Monday, October 31, 2011

N00b teacers L2p 2 becom3 3133ts

Viva la Tetris!
OK! Getting on with the serious stuff.
Answering question 2 and 3 of tutorial discussion....

         If i knew that my student come from the video game generation, then I would try to make my classes more interactive. I would like to use reciprocal teaching strategy as it would allow my students to take charge of the class with my guidance as a facilitator, this would hopefully motivate them to participate  in class as they will have a sense of responsibility and belonging. Together with that I would pair this with Pavlov's reward system used to condition and reinforce students to keep up the good work.
         However, I believe that I have to modify these theories a bit to fit better to my students. For example, I would reward the student with candy,praise or score points when they have answered a question correctly. To make it more challenging for the students, I would try to use a game-like scoring system to encourage and challenge my students. I could also place them in groups to encourage teamwork and to make things fair I would randomly call up students to answer questions, in the event that they could not answer it I would give them hints or clues.
          I would use Howard Gardners theory of multiple intelligence theory, as I believe that all students are smart although not in the same areas. Discovering what are their weakness and helping them develop it. using creative and interesting ways of teaching a subject but still keeping to the basics of giving them a concrete example of what they are learning. Also, relating the information learned with real life situations. Methods such as role plays and simulations are good but  i would also like to bring the students out of the classroom to really experience real life  situations. By doing this the students will be able to relate and understand the objectives of the lesson and plan the right way to approach their goals.

By the way, do you find computer jargon annoying? Because I most certainly do


Friday, October 28, 2011

A star overnight?

Responding to chapter seven about views of intelligence, it could be argued that culture and education strongly affect a person's intelligent. Francis Galton (1822 – 1911) argued that intelligence is inherited; Raymond B. Cattell (1905 – 1998) & John Horn (1928 – 2006) stated that intelligence develops by learning and Luria (1976) claimed that intelligence influence by a person's culture.

Obviously we could see that intelligence is not something which we can easily measure. I strongly agree with the few theories above except heredity. I have met families whereby their parents or parent were not swift in thinking and interacting but their children were born to be very active and clever since young. There are also parents who are genius but their children were not born that way. Therefore, it could be argued that a person's intelligence could probably inherited but not definite.

In order to assess someone with IQ test, there are many factors that we should look into. The background and the culture of a person are very important. For example, a child who is always alone and play with a few toys would not be as intelligent with another child who is always with his family and have abundance of toys and electronic products to play with. If the test is to examine the IQ of both children based on toys and electronic products, the second child will definitely has higher IQ than the first child.   

The Eastern and the Western countries have different kinds of culture. If we are to put people from East and West together and test their IQ, what kinds of question should we create? Based on Eastern or Western or even Asian? For example, if we are to test the children with chopsticks, the Chinese will be having the highest intelligence and the Western will be the lowest. If the question asks about spoons and forks, the intelligence level will be opposite. We could clearly see that cultural effects intelligence.

Finally, I believe that it is through learning and a person's experiences that intelligences will be developed. I don't think that a person will adapt in learning something automatically after he/she has saw someone doing something. For example, everyone can draw a circle. Have we ever taught that how long one has taken to learn how to draw that circle? How many eggs or bubbles have they drawn in order to get to draw a circle? If a child has learn and practices to draw circles for a month but another has just learned  for two days, could it be fair that we test them on drawing circles and measure their intelligence?

Therefore, I would like to conclude that even though intelligence could be inherited, however, it depends on the scope of learning, culture and how much a person is exposed to others and situations. People' intelligence should not be measured if these kind of circumstances are not being taking into consideration.
- Eagle -

Nothing but the truth

For few days in class, I have thought about what the differences between Intelligent and talent are, intelligent and intellect are and why IQ test is needed in education. It could be argued that how many per cent Intelligent Quotient test influents our life.

Many people say that none and do not believe the result of the IQ test since they have their own skills, which means people have their own talent individually therefore they could say that we are intelligent in our own skills – multiple intelligences. According to the theory of multiple intelligences (written by Howard Gardner; 2007), there are eight kinds of intelligences; however, it does not mean IQ. It is more like talents.

“Intelligent” can be used for human and animals. It also has several synonyms; clever, bright, and brilliant and more. For example, if someone says, “My dog John is intelligent.” he means that his dog is clever. It does not mean that his dog is skilful or his dog has a lot of knowledge. But if I say that he is an intelligent man. It means something different – he is a clever man or he is skilful and has wisdom through his experiences. However, the word “intellect” cannot be used for animals since they do not have knowledge as human. At this point, you will be curious of what I am talking about now. Yes, I am talking about the Intelligent Quotient (IQ) test. The IQ test is just to figure out who are the slow learners and the fast learners or enough clever to study, thus do not upset by the result of the IQ test although your result was below 80. It does not include your “intellect” or your multiple intelligences.

Therefore, people were wondering whether the test is necessary for us or not. Many people believe that it isn’t necessary for us. Then, why the IQ test has been doing so for. In my studies, I figure out that from the very beginning, when teacher taught students, they needed kind of IQ test to distinguish between slow learners and fast learners because students’ number had been rapidly increased, after that there appeared different abilities of students studying in a class. It is quite reasonable because when teachers teach students, they should consider the students’ level and also to use different teaching method to teach them. Kinds of these tests have become so-called Intelligent Quotient test. However, it is not a perfect theory - how can we measure human’s abilities of the brain by just number?  Therefore, other theories appeared to complement; multiple intelligences and Structure of Intellect: SOI (Guilford)

Finally, I want to ask you. Are you a student? Are your children students now?
If your answer is “yes, I am or yes, they are”, which means you and they are intelligent.
Shortly, say that you and they are clever enough to study. However, although IQ test does not involve human’s life, some people, and some countries have practiced it. Additionally, human would be checked D.N.A test to know their intelligences someday. After happen, I do not want to imagine that.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Discriminate hate, spread the love !

I would like to present my point of view about social classes and educational development of students. Firstly, from chapter “Education and Social Class” it has occurred to me that there are unfair situations between Middle Class and Working Class society.  The Education Act of 1944 to 1988 have made a curriculum whereby the “11 plus” examination is the way to determine the type of school an individual will enter. And the Grammar school at the time was a great school to be in (Floud, Halsey and Martin,1966). I was definitely shocked how the Working Class society that scored similar to the Middle Class society but they were not chosen to enroll into the particular school because of their social classification.

That is what we call discrimination ! In the modern days of 2011, could you imagine this situation happening again ? Believe in or not, it does ! As an example, there was an educational organization for students that seemed very effective. As a normal, knowledge thirsty student everyone signed up for it. But the organization picks the student to enter their programme based on an entry exam. After the announcement of the intake of students, it is discovered that only the students that scored well in their current exam were enrolled because they are “clever students” or because these students “have potential” to excel in their studies. But what about the other students that scored less ? Don’t they have potential ? What proof is there to classify them as not clever students ?

The problem now from my point of view is that, the society passes the wrong values to other generations. They are reproducing generations that are only “academically successful”. That is where cultural reproduction comes in the picture. Can you see  that students who are academically clever are always the ones given the chance to pursue their studies or given funding for research but the others are neglected without giving a chance for them to explore their other abilities. Yes, they might not be good in science or maths. But they might be excellent in language or arts. For that situation, the academically clever student thinks that they are better than the others. Because of the Cultural Capital we insulate in them. By praising them, they might be better at one thing only.

You see, in this world people has to be given Equity. Equity is giving different mediums to different people so that they are given the same chance in life as other people. When equity is given, equality will be achieved. When different people are given the different chance to explore themselves in different areas. They can be “as successful” as Scientist or Doctors. As long as they are happy doing their job. Wouldn’t the world be a happy place if everyone is equal ? Everyone receive their part of the help ? Wouldn’t the world be a happy place if everyone feels fairness ? No discrimination ! Just happiness, given equity and equality is achieved !

Happy Equity ! Without no boundaries.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mr & Mrs Intelligent

Based on chapter 7, The Intelligent Quotient (IQ) test is a test to “measure” the amount of Intelligence of a person by logical thinking tests. But how far or how true is that ? What is the meaning of intelligence ? Even after 100 years, the word has no specific definition  (Győri & Fülöp, 2010). So fair to call a person who scored better academically as “An Intelligent person” ? I reckon not, because intelligence has many factors or scopes. Social intelligence ? speech intelligence ? academic intelligence ? Spatial intelligence ? Naturalistic intelligence ? and the list goes on.

If you call a person who has a higher education degrees, masters, PhD as intelligent then hat about the people who did not have the chance to pursue their studies ? Let me put it this way, to my personal experience is that the “Academically intelligent” beings are mostly intelligent on papers. Yes, they’ll take time to practice and make their thoeoritical education as practical but the working peoples who use their knowledge practically knows much more ! Their intelligence are for real life situations. For survival skills. Like our grandmothers, they can wipe up a meal ! So exquisite, better than the hotel chefs without “formal Chef school education”

Different people have different capability and we all know it. And if we look at the scope of “Theory of Multiple Intelligence” by Howard Gardner (1983), we are all intelligent in different scope ! And as discussed that intelligence depends on many factors like cultural issues that different country comprises different values of education and if you can’t score well in another countries’ exam. Fret not, you’re not “not intelligent”, you’re just not use to their cultural issues.

The home environment that contributes to intelligence is the fact of family sculpture. How parents and other family members injects education and general knowledge to their child. How they develop their children’s logistic thinking. The parents pay a very high contribution in their child’s IQ because they are the earliest input the child has before formal education. But as the child’s age increases and they started getting formal education, the genetic background can be mediator between family’s intellectual influences (Mackintosh, 1998) but IQ also decreases without education (Mackintosh, 1998).

What I can grasp from the lesson of intelligence that it can be influenced by environment but intelligence is a something very broad and subjective. It has no specific meaning to the term, and it is not fair to label somebody as “intelligent” just because they know more in one scope because human beings have their special abilities and their own capability to think. And what I can conclude that, whatever figure that is shown in the IQ test does not give a significant meaning to anyone’s lives.


The fountain of youth has grown rather old.

How about the fountain of intelligence?

Based on chapter 7 of our text book, I have gained ... intelligence!

But what exactly is intelligence?Well... according to the text book:
"Unfortunately, during the last 100 years nobody has been able to build a comprehensive,scientifically coherent construct of intelligence."(Győri Fülöp, 2010)
Great!..So we don't know what intelligence is exactly but somehow we hear people say

"Oh, you're so intelligent!"

I really wish I could ask people how would they define intelligence but I can't so I shall try to wrap my head around this. Here goes!!--->

I figured that intelligence is viewed very differently by different people because of background. I have gathered that Intelligence comes by genetics and is affected by environment and it is always increasing according to James Flynn. Factors such as family, education, gender, ethnicity and culture all affect intelligence which encompasses cognitive development.

From my own personal experience, relating to how gender affects our scoring, I find it true as most of my male friends are much better than my female friends at subjects such as physics. However,God is fair to everyone, I find that my female friends have a much better command of English compared to the males. Unfortunately or fortunately this situation does not necessarily mean that all boys are better at physics than girls and all girls have a better command of English compared to boys.

During the Learners and Learning module, if I were to relate that cognitive development is overall intelligence then, I can see how some of the factors stated in the first paragraph would affect the overall intelligence development. I understand how culture affect the overall intelligence development but I do not get how ethnic group differences could affect it. I don't think that overall intelligence development has anything to do with being a different race. I would classify it under culture and genetics more than ethnicity.

Knowing different views of intelligence has *as cliche as this sounds* given me a broader view on how intelligence is perceived by others as well as made me think of why and how factors such as family, culture and environment could actually affect cognitive development. Relating these new information to my own self, I understand better now why I did better at certain subjects in school and why there are certain concepts which I just can't grasp.

~Signing off to go on a quest for the Fountain of Wisdom!~


Monday, October 24, 2011


After reading both chapters on Intelligence and How do Students Learn, I must say, that it is still not easy to explain and measure the concept of intelligence. As for the learning styles of students and the framework which schools and learning theories provide, it really still is constantly changing, evolving and there really isn't a one-size-fits-all concept for teachers to complement learning. Oh how abstract the things we learn and attempt to comprehend!

Personally, I think one of the greatest and accidental achievements that the Malaysian government did and is still doing, is creating mean-memorising-machines. Receiving was all there is. Or mostly is. Regurgitating was what that lead to good grades and hence "producing" intelligent/smart students because s/he was able to answer the question "correctly".

What stroked me the most while reading about Jean Piaget's contribution to cognitive development is that "What kind of education do you want our children to have? How would you want your children to learn? Do you want them to learn things they are already known and [re]present them to the society to be perceived as knowledgeable?...or we want them to learn how to be creative and innovative and challenge what already exist, to question and discover?" Powerful stuff.

I think that the curriculum has be designed for meaningful purposes and clear objectives. Unfortunately, most of the time when it comes to the delivery, it seemed to be "teaching" for the sake of it. Just "learn" it, and answer it "this way" in your exam to score. And often enough, students follow and they score. And are perceived as being smart. I think that the testing system is fine, because you have to know whether the students have been listening, but to only accept one answer and no other perspective makes the curriculum very (very) rigid. How do you know that they understood? How do you know that they are really learning? They could have memorised the answer or the explanation for all you know! Learning does not take place here. Nor does teaching. That's why pedagogy knowledge is essential for teachers to represent what they know.

Perhaps I'm being too sceptical. But this is what my experience has led me to believe. I do hope that there is another side to this coin - isn't it for everything else? I'm willing to learn and embrace the other side, but don't expect me to just accept it~ I'll be questioning, trying to make sense of it and putting my trust that it will turn out different in the future for education to make an impact that we are all indeed intelligent - all in our own ways, and we all learn, till thy kingdom come by stepping out of the box for a moment, ponder on it, question and learn - be it by experience or by what other people say. Only then, I believe, is true learning.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Would you be the one to go against the direction of wind?

What made social class? How is it being measured? How do you feel about it? After reading chapter five and chapter six, I strongly agree that cultural capital and cultural reproduction reflects social class. Cultural capital is the knowledge; values which a person develops from home, school and society which make a person feels that he is more superior to others. Cultural capital affects how a person thinks, considers, understands and lives. This cultural capital could have been developed from a long time ago and being transferred to others from generation to generation. It is reproduced by the ruler of a country, society, teacher, family and friends. It is therefore, the thinking of the people in a country is very important.

For example, teachers, parents and students have in mind that the students studying in the first ranking classroom is better than the other students in other classes. All the parents will want their children to be in the first ranked class. Teachers believe that they have more responsible in teaching the students with the most effective ways to maintain the grades of the students in that class. Thus, the students were given many opportunities and priority. Students in this class also believe that they are the best. They know that they will have to work harder than other students. Unconsciously, this has created social class among students.

Through my own experience in my primary school, firstly, classrooms were separated into A and B. All the students in A class never liked to mingle with the students in B class. They felt that B class students were not as smart as they were. They only stay among their classmates.
Secondly, different positions in school will also cause social class. Teacher will nominate a few students who are well doing in their studies and behaviour to be the school prefects or classroom representatives. Here again, parents feel proud if their children were chosen to be a school prefect or a classroom representative. Both the teachers and parents subtly influence in how a student will think. These students will feel that they are not the same as other students.
Finally, it’s the test. The test showed us clearly who are the smarter students and vice versa. Then the smarter students will long to be together. Teachers were not satisfied with those weaker students and parents even caned the poor students. It seems like all the students will have to be the top ten’s but there are over forty students in a class. That is not all. During the year-end report card day, all of us from A class will feel really nervous, tension and frightened. We were afraid that we would be downgraded to B class. We were being told by the teacher that if we couldn’t get good score, we would be transferred to B class. Our parents thought that way too. Therefore, the reproduction of the cultural capital here is, if you are not an A class student, not a prefect or a class representative, not the top ten students, you are not good enough.

We can also always see in the media or even the banner in front of the tuition centre advertising about students getting straights A’s. Parents will want their children to study there and students themselves may want to study there as well. Why? The media educates people that if you study here, you will score straight A’s. Again, for those students who are not having tuition there, they feel uncomfortable when they are to talk about it to their friends. Peer pressure comes into place. Most of the parents will focus on getting their children the best and maybe also the most expensive tuition centre for their children. Why has education for children have been so complicated nowadays?

Education and media are strongly being intervened by government intervention. Every country has its own culture and its own set of education system. Therefore, people have developed their values through their own country’s ruling system. For example, a ruler that has always put their own benefits into ruling their country would not have much concern about the education of his people. They would want the types of people which would not cause any threat to them. It was like the more a person learns, understands, knows about others and knowledge gained, the more that person would question and cause problems. In such countries, the hegemony of the ruler comes into priority. Education and welfare would not be taking into consideration. Therefore, the education system is designed with the interest of the culture of a country and most probably not for the needs of students. In this kind of system, what could students learn? Were the students given opportunities to compete fairly among themselves?

The students were either the hare or the tortoise. As in general, the hare is faster than the tortoise, however, in fiction, the tortoise won the race because the hare fell asleep. It doesn’t really matters who won the race. The agent of education which is the teacher should teach the students to identify the strengths and values of the hare and the tortoise instead of putting them onto a race. Therefore, the cultural capital is putting students into the race of the hare and the tortoise. The only person who has the power to change the cultural capital should be a teacher. 

- Eagle -

Gardening helps children behave

     This is a respond to the article that I read from the website about “Gardening helps children behave”.Some of the children will waste the food and some of them will “play” the food. Where is the table manners? What did the parent teach them? Why they behave like that? A lot of question in my mind when I saw a child wasting or playing with the food. Today's children don't know how to cherish the thing that they have, they just take things as guaranteed. Some of them don't even know where the food comes from. Thus, they behave like that.

     The other reason why the children don't actually know how to cherish is because today's parent just give out what the children want. The children demand it and the parent supply it. It cause today's children don't have the concept of money. They don't know how hard and tough the parent earning money. I saw a lot of teen-agers spent their parent money to buy something that is not actually in use but they just want to show off what they have and they have the ability to buy it. Even they having their lunch after school, they will choose a restaurant or cafe to have their lunch but not a hawker centre or going back home and have it. To me, that is not a good way of spending money.

     After I saw the news about “Gardening helps children behave” only I realised that, my previous school didn't teach me about gardening, the teacher just taught the content of the textbook. And i'm agree with the first sentence in first paragraph that “Teaching children how to garden helps them to become responsible, realise where food comes from and calms their behaviour”. As my opinion, children who do gardening since young age will built up a higher possibility of good personality.
     I don't know in our country have this type of activity or not. If not, I wish one day there will have this type of activity for the children. This type of activity will let them know how to cherish what they have it and also not to waste food. Other than that, they will also become more patient. Besides having a good or best result through the exams, we also must have a good behaviour and we have to start it since young age.


Journey inside my mind.

After reading chapter five about education and social class and chapter six about citizenship education and black and minority ethnic communities, I would like to express my opinion as below.

There were many tribes living hunting, killing and having tattoo on their skin in the jungle long time ago. At that time what did they do? What did they believe? And what was valuable for them? Can you imagine that? For instant: ancient Africa or Europe or Asia. It could be that the minorities lived together and went hunting in the jungle, there was no differences in race among them and money was not a valuable thing, so, had they have peace in their lives? Probably not, they would kill each other just by the difference in tribes’ groups, different believes and different habits.

For example, there were just three people gather together in a group; one appeared to be the leader, thus, naturally their positions were made in the group. The leader’s value would affect the destiny of the group. They also would decorate themselves with eagle’s feathers, other animal’s leathers, tattoo and piercing to show off their power. What do you think? Do you think all those happened were through education? Those are the original nature. That is why teachers cannot cure and help them but through education, these problems could be reduced, which indicates that a teacher’s role is very important

How about the contemporary society? How about Social class, cultural capital and cultural reproduction? Many people have tattoo, piercing, cosmetic surgery, buying expensive things and new technology things just the same mind-set as ancient time. Why do they do that? Just for beauty???? I don’t think so. It could be said that they want to be proud of themselves, make themselves different from others and show off their power. Generally, human has kind of those minds which means it is not depending on education and teachers. However, a number of people blame school teachers whenever problems occurred in a school or with students. It is obvious to conclude that the destiny of a group depends on the leader’s value; for example, about five or six years ago, there was a happening that one student shot and killed his friends with a gun at the school in America. At that time, many people blamed teachers and school’s education; however, that should not be the point. Again, I would say that the destiny of a group depends on leader’s value. Americans are however, still allowed to carry a gun. If the government did not allow the citizens to have guns, this incident would not have happened.

In my point of view, teachers always do their best for their students through the education and they have contributed much to reduce social problems among students and adults in the society. I believe that education power and teacher’s power by teaching moral values, history of mankind and co-operation with different kind of people, might not be able to make your children a great leader but it could enable them to distinguish the person who is a great leader.  

Since they already have got cultural capital innate in them and cultural reproduction by the influence of the society, now, what will you hand into your children?


Thursday, October 20, 2011

High paced !

I found an article about learners pace of learning. And there's a quote attached to it :

"Ever tried . Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail Better." -Samuel Backett

DailyGood: Why Do Some People Learn Faster


You forgot, so I'm reminding

"I'm a lawyer. And what are you ?", a young lawyer boastfully introduces himself.

"Ohh. I'm a teacher !", a teacher enthusiastically answered the question.

"Why ?!", confused and weird faces are expressed to teacher.

I'm sure that MOST of the teacher have encountered this situation because teaching is not as fancy as other professions. Education is not as appealing as other courses. Want to know why ? Because the mindset of our society that molds and judge people easily. Only Professors, Lawyers, Scientists, Doctors and Engineers are the "successful" ones. What about teachers ? They have forgotten their roots that TEACHERS are the ones teaching, educating and producing the so called "successful professionals". But the society and the Professionals are caught up with the saying of "those who can do,and those who can't teach". Think of it this way, if you're teachers CAN'T then where are YOU now ? You see, without the success of teachers or the knowledge teachers share with their students, they will not become the person the are today. The world would not be as developed as today without teachers.

Most of us, forgets what our teacher has contributed to us, and the society the minute they stepped out of school. And there are many people who questioned teachers' capabilities. They look at teachers bluntly especially after becoming successful beings. Their ignorance makes the new generations, to not pursue in teaching. We now need to ignite the spirit of how teachers and teaching contribute a huge impact on the world and how teaching is a noble job. We need to produce a new generation that do not judge other professions easily. The new teachers need to show the importance, the compassion and be inspiring for their students so that their students would say "When I grow up, I want to be just like you. A teacher !". The preservice teachers must not give up into molding a new aspect of teaching and learning.

Just in case some doubt on teachers' capability of doing to the new generations. Or some forget what teachers are made of or how big is their impact. Here's a video :


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Reminder: Do engage in discussion and start posting!

Dear All,

I've had a good time engaging in discussions with Too2second, Eagle, and Ally.  Thanks for contributing and engaging in discussions, guys :-)

Please continue to post what you've read or your reading on the required reading.  I've seen seen the criticality and reflexity in your entries.  If you have any question, you know where you can reach me.



Monday, October 17, 2011

Black, White and Chess

Disclaimer: I do not have anything against white people and if I have offended anyone with this post, I apologize. What I realized, living in a multicultural country is that...honestly?... every one is a little bit, only just a little bit, racist =P

On a Chess board, we see a pattern of dark and light coloured squares. The playing pieces are likewise dark and light coloured.

Do you know which colour starts the game?

The answer is white(light coloured).

Based on chapter six of Education Studies Text book, I have gathered that the government surly had good intentions when they began Citizenship Education, unfortunately this only made an avenue for racism against black and minority ethnic(BME) students as Citizenship Education was not designed to handle racism directly. The teachers then decided that the best way to handle this situation was to ignore the differences and treat each child equally. What they did not realize then was that this would make things worst for BME students.

Also base on my lesson on Learners and Learning today, I learnt that what students need was not just equality but equity. Equity would enable students to have equality as it helps all students be on a level playing field. An example would be a teacher going extra lengths to ensure that a student who has transferred from a different country understand and learns the ropes of the new school. As my lecturer mentioned during lesson, it may not be equal as the teacher is giving extra attention to a particular foreign student but it enables the student to fit in better and enable them to study better due to the lessened difference.

I was rather upset that BME schools only got hand-me-down teaching  materials and facilities from the 'white' schools, just like a game of chess the "white" playing piece has the right to go first. If the government had intended to do such things as Citizenship Education in the first place, they should have prepare enough resources to give ALL citizens have the same facilities to truly be sure all citizens have been treated with equity and equality. I believe that this would help BME students achieve better testing scores and thus BME students would not be labeled as less intelligent than white students.

In the future, when I do experience this issue regarding racism, I hope to treat my students with both equity and equality. Coming from a multiracial  country, I believe that when I begin teaching, it would not be my first time dealing with racism and hopefully I would have enough experience to handle the situation as I should. 


Friday, October 14, 2011

association vs. streaming

This is a respond to Chapter 5 of The Routledge Education Studies' Education and Social Class.

The sub-section on Social Class and Underachievement seems to be valid since schools at that time put children on 'tracks' or otherwise known as streaming and banding.

Personally I think that schools that practice streaming students according to their grades will only widen the gap between social classes. Is it not already unfair that there's an existing gap between the upper and lower class but the schools, public schools for that matter have to further reinforce this by streaming smarter kids to classes with better teachers?

Really, is it not the association between students and their peers who can encourage each other to strive hard and 'provoke' positive peer pressure? Likewise if students with lower grades are put together with other students who encounter the same situation? Chances are, they are either going to sink or sink faster.

Allocation students despite of their intelligence will allow more opportunities for them to mingle and socialise and learn values from each other. After all, isn't that what the hidden curriculum is about?

A fear of bad students influencing your good kid? Teachers then have to play a role to educate students to learn how to differentiate between what's right and wrong. Parents have to play their part too. Neither party can act alone - both must complement each other on order for the children to learn what is beyond the formal education prepared for them.

Besides that, I think that the once fear of female students overachieving male students is ridiculous. The reaction towards this phenomena was no better - that female students' scores were downgraded in order for more male students to be enrolled to grammar schools. A similar situation is happening in the present now isn't it? - That more female students are being accepted and enrolled to higher education institution than males.

Hmm,history seems to have its way of repeating itself.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

A win-win situation.

     Referring to Chapter 2 about Education and Culture, it can be seen that Culture has a strong impact in Education. When a country practises structuralism, the learning of languages reflects one’s culture, belief and behaviour. The language doesn’t mean just by learning the language for communication purpose. Language can mean in writing forms and art forms. The poets, poems, novels and books tell the culture of a certain place or country. Different kinds of arts and paintings give different kinds of feelings and messages. It can also be semiotic. Well, there have been two different culture groups of people at the same time.

     One group thought that it is through education; someone will gain more knowledge and secure a job. Their parents, neighbours, people around them made them believe this. This is the culture. However, as in Paul Willis’ theory, there is another group that thought, it will only form an ‘arm chair’ group of people who are not realistic. They may just want to be like their parents. This group is the working class group of youth. They may be treated as lower class people. They could not agree with the government. Thus, they didn’t want to attend school because they hated the masterminds which were controlling the education system. It was quite pathetic that they were at work at a very young age and there wasn’t any suitable education which would attract them to study and learn.

     This situation is quite often to be seen in this 21st century. There are people who really study very hard to be professionals. However, being a teacher, lawyer or engineers, there are also limitations in performing their tasks. The other group of people are concern about how to make money. Everything is about money. They may not be highly educated but through business or skill works, they can earn the sum they are satisfied with. They find teaching bored. They don’t find education in school is relevant to their working life. They could see clearly how the people around them making money and success.

     However, as to my opinion, there is a need to bring these two groups together in order to have better development in education, a balance in job supply and demand and to make the country grow. The country would have to nurture students. Feeding them knowledge is not enough, they must also be taught some relevant skills and recognises their talents. The government must also support them to achieve their dreams.This is not something that can happen within a short period of time. However, we might see a good result in the long run.

- Eagle -

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Batman.

     While I was reading the text in chapter 2 with the title of Education and Culture, I have thought that what a teacher is exactly, what the teacher does and what the teacher’s position is in our society. This is because I came across this word “Learning to Labour” while reading.

     When I was a student, I thought about the teachers like Superman, Batman and Wonder woman because they were my heroes. It seemed like they could do everything. Do you think now students think about the teacher as I did? Maybe yes maybe not. However, what about the teachers think of themselves? Kind of cartoon’s heroes have a strong sense of justice, so they fight for justice and they work for people without money. How about the teachers?  For whom do they work? Where do they belong to?

     The teachers’ job cannot be categorised as labours since teachers do not produce anything. Thus, can we say that teachers are high intelligent people? If they are, whom they work for? For students……..??? ……If they aren’t, maybe they work for people who have hegemony. When teachers were hired, the employers expect teachers to do work as they’re told. The teachers are like a tool to produce. They are being told of what kind of students to be produced. For example, the country needs soldiers, teachers will have to train them into soldiers; if there is a need for engineers, teachers will have to produce engineers. So, teachers cannot object and is to follow their orders. Which means the teachers’ position is unspecific. They are like bats and not Batman. The bats may say that they are birds because they have wings or they are not birds because they have four limbs in different situations.

     It could be argued that education is completely influenced by the country’s culture; Nazism, Marxism and etc. Although teachers have a longing to teach, teachers would have to follow according to the school curriculum which caters the needs of the government. 

     It can be clearly state that if the ideology of a culture changes, there might be also a change in the education system. Thus, teachers should have wisdom to have a right stand of teaching students so that they could be the prosperity of the country.
