Friday, October 28, 2011

Nothing but the truth

For few days in class, I have thought about what the differences between Intelligent and talent are, intelligent and intellect are and why IQ test is needed in education. It could be argued that how many per cent Intelligent Quotient test influents our life.

Many people say that none and do not believe the result of the IQ test since they have their own skills, which means people have their own talent individually therefore they could say that we are intelligent in our own skills – multiple intelligences. According to the theory of multiple intelligences (written by Howard Gardner; 2007), there are eight kinds of intelligences; however, it does not mean IQ. It is more like talents.

“Intelligent” can be used for human and animals. It also has several synonyms; clever, bright, and brilliant and more. For example, if someone says, “My dog John is intelligent.” he means that his dog is clever. It does not mean that his dog is skilful or his dog has a lot of knowledge. But if I say that he is an intelligent man. It means something different – he is a clever man or he is skilful and has wisdom through his experiences. However, the word “intellect” cannot be used for animals since they do not have knowledge as human. At this point, you will be curious of what I am talking about now. Yes, I am talking about the Intelligent Quotient (IQ) test. The IQ test is just to figure out who are the slow learners and the fast learners or enough clever to study, thus do not upset by the result of the IQ test although your result was below 80. It does not include your “intellect” or your multiple intelligences.

Therefore, people were wondering whether the test is necessary for us or not. Many people believe that it isn’t necessary for us. Then, why the IQ test has been doing so for. In my studies, I figure out that from the very beginning, when teacher taught students, they needed kind of IQ test to distinguish between slow learners and fast learners because students’ number had been rapidly increased, after that there appeared different abilities of students studying in a class. It is quite reasonable because when teachers teach students, they should consider the students’ level and also to use different teaching method to teach them. Kinds of these tests have become so-called Intelligent Quotient test. However, it is not a perfect theory - how can we measure human’s abilities of the brain by just number?  Therefore, other theories appeared to complement; multiple intelligences and Structure of Intellect: SOI (Guilford)

Finally, I want to ask you. Are you a student? Are your children students now?
If your answer is “yes, I am or yes, they are”, which means you and they are intelligent.
Shortly, say that you and they are clever enough to study. However, although IQ test does not involve human’s life, some people, and some countries have practiced it. Additionally, human would be checked D.N.A test to know their intelligences someday. After happen, I do not want to imagine that.


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