Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Batman.

     While I was reading the text in chapter 2 with the title of Education and Culture, I have thought that what a teacher is exactly, what the teacher does and what the teacher’s position is in our society. This is because I came across this word “Learning to Labour” while reading.

     When I was a student, I thought about the teachers like Superman, Batman and Wonder woman because they were my heroes. It seemed like they could do everything. Do you think now students think about the teacher as I did? Maybe yes maybe not. However, what about the teachers think of themselves? Kind of cartoon’s heroes have a strong sense of justice, so they fight for justice and they work for people without money. How about the teachers?  For whom do they work? Where do they belong to?

     The teachers’ job cannot be categorised as labours since teachers do not produce anything. Thus, can we say that teachers are high intelligent people? If they are, whom they work for? For students……..??? ……If they aren’t, maybe they work for people who have hegemony. When teachers were hired, the employers expect teachers to do work as they’re told. The teachers are like a tool to produce. They are being told of what kind of students to be produced. For example, the country needs soldiers, teachers will have to train them into soldiers; if there is a need for engineers, teachers will have to produce engineers. So, teachers cannot object and is to follow their orders. Which means the teachers’ position is unspecific. They are like bats and not Batman. The bats may say that they are birds because they have wings or they are not birds because they have four limbs in different situations.

     It could be argued that education is completely influenced by the country’s culture; Nazism, Marxism and etc. Although teachers have a longing to teach, teachers would have to follow according to the school curriculum which caters the needs of the government. 

     It can be clearly state that if the ideology of a culture changes, there might be also a change in the education system. Thus, teachers should have wisdom to have a right stand of teaching students so that they could be the prosperity of the country.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Too2second,

    This is an excellent piece on connecting culture and teachers, or even to the school system as a whole. I like the point where you tried to categorise teachers--labourers or not labourers.

    Thanks for sharing.

